The news from RetailVista

NedFox and Green Solutions Collaboration

NedFox and Green Solutions Collaboration

NedFox and Green Solutions Collaboration – NedFox the market-leader for innovative cloud ERP solutions, are pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with Green Solutions aimed at revolutionising eCommerce and loyalty integration within the horticulture retail sector.

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Safe Integration

Safe Integration

RetailVista has had integrations with electronic safe solutions like CashGuard for many years.

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Revenue Statistics

Revenue Statistics

The new Revenue Statistics App for personal mobiles and in store mobile devices is the perfect tool for owners, managers and team leaders to keep an eye on things throughout the day, while also always being able to quickly see comparisons with previous days, weeks, and months.

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Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Marketing

Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Marketing

The RFM model allows for better, accurate communication with your customers. This proven effective model targets your customers through segmentation based on the following characteristics:

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