RetailVista Mobile – now available from your phone, tablet or portable scanner

EPOS on your smartphone!

The big advantage of RetailVista Mobile is that this works on almost every device with an Apple IOS* or Android** operating system. This can be a telephone, a tablet, or a portable scanner.
With RetailVista Mobile, you do not need to set all the functions on each device, just select what functions you want to activate on a device.

You could, for example, enable the phones of all your permanent staff to have access to product information & labelling. In addition, all staff can use portable scanners, operating the other functions. The latter users can then use the portable scanner for creating sales orders, performing stock-take etc.

A portable scanner will recognise a barcode quicker than a mobile phone or tablet, because it has a built-in barcode scanner.

You can now use RetailVista Mobile on multiple devices, which will reduce the monthly costs (compared to the predecessor RetailEverywhere, which had always all functions enabled).

In the back office of RetailVista, you can indicate which functions are available, per device. This can significantly reduce the cost per device.

‘RetailVista Mobile’ includes the
following functions:

  • Product information
  • Product lists
  • Statistics
  • Transport administration
  • Shopping baske
  • Sales orders
  • Ordering
  • Goods-in
  • Stock management
  • Warehouse check
  • Labelling
  • Stock taking

RetailVista Mobile is being expanded further. These are the modules available from
January 2018.
*Apple IOS version 9 or above, **Android version 5 or above.

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