Thirsk Garden Centre

Thirsk Garden Centre, Helen and Joe Joyce

Why did you change you current provider?
We had been struggling for some time with our EPoS provider, not knowing exactly what we were paying for and having to pay licence fees per user as well as per work station. When we wanted to expand our loyalty scheme we came across other issues and we felt the time had come for a proper upgrade. We were also thinking about online selling via our website and when we learned about the benefits of the NedFox Cloud Solution it became a ‘no-brainer’.

Why NedFox?
As I said, the ability to integrate fully our loyalty scheme and webshop, and for no more cost than we were paying our old company made this an easy decision. The fact that we would be working with people from the trade we knew and trusted, was also an important factor.

What next?
We still have some work to do on our webshop and also feel that the new Personal Marketing service from Garden Connect has a lot to offer and enable us to reduce the cost of our loyalty scheme rewards.

Any further comments?
It took us a while to get used to the new system but once we got the hang of it, we never looked back. It is also good to know that whatever new concepts the ‘marketing-people’ come up with, we should be able to use now. NedFox is a great company and we would thoroughly recommend them to anyone looking to upgrade their old system.

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